Friday, October 25, 2013

You Have Many Choices For Treating Arthritis

By Tad Owens

Soaring and pain in the joint is termed as Arthritis. It can affect any person of any age. It can affect even children. To have a better idea about the treatment of the arthritis it is very essential that we know about the various types of arthritis and the symptoms it creates in the patients.



This is that form of Arthritis which is found mostly. The connecting cartilage or tissue between the bones, gradually wear away, in Osteoarthritis. Thus the bones are rubbed together which causes the pain in the joints. The parts which are most affected are the knees, spine, hips and the hands. This condition is generally seen in people who are above 50, though anyone, irrespective of age can be affected. This is due to any problem or injury in the joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Though this symptom is less common among the people but it is more severe. It develops in the body when the immunity system of the body affects the joints of the body. Thus the body part swells creating pain and problems in movement of the body leading to the wear out of the tissues and bones. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects more to the people between 40 to 50 years. But women are three times more prone to it.

Indications about Arthritis

There are some common signs which are distinctive in Arthritis, though some may have different symptoms. These are pain in the joints, rigidity of bones, tenderness and swelling in the joints. The end result is that you are unable to move freely. Muscles get wasted and you are weak and the patient is always uncomfortable and in extreme pain.

Arthritis and its treatment

The patient is not totally relieved of Arthritis but there are ways to keep the patient free of pain, and one can limit the progress of the disease. You do get relief from pain, when you take some medicines. One needs to slow down a chemical called CYCLOOXYGENASE or COX which induces swelling, the basic treatment of Arthritis. COX, if controlled relieves the person from pain. There are NSAID as well - Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like Ibuprofen etc. These drugs give you relief as they assist you to slow down COX.

It is however, unfortunate that these NSAID drugs have various side effects. NSAIDS can deplete the joints of essential nutrients like folic acid, iron and zinc. Cox-2 inhalers can increase the risk of Cardio vascular failure. Physical therapy is a no-risk option. Physical therapy is invariably recommended to ease arthritic pain and joint stiffness. Physical therapy aims to strengthen the muscle and support your movements.

More option in the treatment of Arthritis

Apart from medicines there are some other physical treatments that can keep arthritis under control. These steps are:

Cold and Hot therapy - apply alternate ice and hot packs to ease the joint pain, but the relief is short lived

Reduce weight - The stress on hip joints and other joints is reduced, if you reduce your body weight

Usage of Brace - You could use a brace or a splint to give you more strength, when required

Exercise is an extremely effective method for pain management.

TENS is an electric nerve stimulation that can help in joint mobility temporarily and relieve pain.

In severe cases knee replacement and other surgeries are suggested. Spinal surgeries and substitution of knees are measures which are frequent these days.

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Choosing the Correct Diet for Complaints on Arthritis

By Jennifer Darden

Arthritis and diet are closely related, and this has been recognized by medical research. If one has arthritis, then one need to consider certain vital aspects like how well is the weight being maintained and if the diet taken has sufficient mineral and important vitamins.

Intakes of helpful Vitamins and minerals for those who are having Arthritis

In case your problem of Arthritis is worrying you, go over to your dietary intake and check whether your diet has adequate Vitamins and minerals listed below.


It is quite well known that we need Calcium since it is essential for the development of healthy bones. The Osteoporosis risk increases when women undergo menopause which induces deficiency of calcium. This is common with women. Long term consumption of Steroids also increases the risk of osteoporosis. If the diet is deficient in calcium, then you may develop Osteomalacia. The dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and milk products are rich in calcium. It is a myth that skimmed and semi skimmed milk does not provide enough calcium than full fat milk. Milk from oats, soya and rice is also rich with calcium. Sardines if eaten with bones are also full of calcium. You need to take a calcium supplement in case you are unable to have any milk products. This needs to be discussed with your doctor.

Vitamin D

It is reported that for people whose diet is deficient of vitamin D, Arthritis progress faster. Vitamin D is available in supplements like fish-lever-oil. It is also produced in the body by exposure to sun.


Most people who suffer from Arthritis are anemic. You must intake iron in your diet, and see the physician as well, in case you have Foods like red meat, oily fish like sardines, pulses, and dark green vegetables like water cress and spinach have lots of iron. The absorption of iron is enhanced, in the human body if Vitamin C is taken along with it. Sufficient quantity of vegetables and fruits should be taken along with the consumption of products which are rich in iron.

Vitamin C

Deficiency in vitamin C has been found to aggravate arthritis. A good intake of fruits and vegetables every day would provide you with enough vitamin C needed by your body.


Arthritis is also increased by the deficiency of selenium in the body. Though the Brazil nuts are the richest source of the selenium but the since they are not easily available therefore selenium deficient patient with prescription from the doctor must consume anti-oxidants.

There are some foods that may be useful in relieving general Arthritic symptoms. Some of these are Vegetables- High in vitamin C and vitamin A (Beta carotene), as for example collards, broccoli, spinach, brussels, sprouts etc. Fish----- High in vitamin E and omega -3 essential fatty acids, as for example Salmon, Sardines, Herrings, Tuna, and Trout. Nuts----Walnuts, Brazil-nuts, Linseeds, Pumpkinseeds, Almonds. Pulses and grains--- Brown-rice, Chick-peas, Lentils, Whole-wheat-bread. Anti-inflammatory spices and fruits---Ginger, turmeric, apples, garlic etc.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Coping with the Facts of Living with Arthritis

By Bruce Lewis

As people age, their bodies stop healing as well as they did before. This is true of their joints too. When the cushioning between joints starts to break down, the pain and suffering is commonly known as osseous rheumatism. While there is not any treatment for this debilitating illness, there definitely are steps that you can take to make certain you can continue enjoying life just as much as if you never had this difficulty.

First don't despair. You may feel downcast about your condition, and this is ordinary, but never let negative feelings take over your life. Arthritis is not the end of you enjoying your life. Spend some time with your pals and family. Join a rheumatoid arthritis support group. Remember that regardless of what else happens, arthritis will never take away your own ability to enjoy your personal life. If you keep connected with a support network, you'll always have a friend there for you when you really need them most.

Take a little time to list out all of the activities you like in your everyday life, and use this list when considering treatment options. If a dodgy treatment will not help you continue doing the things you like, then it's not right for you. On the other hand, some treatments will never be worth the chance, even if it implies spending less time on some fave activities. Nonetheless once you have a brilliant idea of what's important to you, you will be able to make better judgments on the right decision for you.

While listening to your physician's information is important, don't rely on them alone. Spend the time to analyze treatment possibilities which you can discuss with your physician. Many consultants will only give you a prescription if you are saying nothing, but can be a reliable source of information on precisely how well alternative cures might work for you. They may also help to keep you from utilizing multiple treatments that will interact with each other, which often causes threatening side effects.

One treatment it is usually possible to use as it is drug-free is hot or cold packs. These treatments work to plug healing, reduce swelling, and lower the quantity of discomfort you are experiencing , and the better part is you need to use them as much as you would like. Be certain not to burn yourself with heat treatments, and learn the best way to apply these treatments for maximum relief. Try and use these options to lower the quantity of pain relief medication you want, as these drugs usually come with dangerous complications, and your body will keep making these drugs far less effective as you take them.

A brilliant method to reduce your metastatic inflammation suffering is by using a Osaki massage chair daily. Massage treatments is proved to be really advantageous in lowering osseous rheumatism hurting for some time. Massage therapy is kind of useful in the lowering of your discomfort, may it be with a home massage chair or perhaps regular sessions with a masseuse it really is a superb approach to lower your suffering.

While you have a tricky road ahead of you, stay in control. You don't have to surrender to your disease. Utilise these pointers to begin coping with the reality that you have arthritis and it isn't going away anytime soon. The more that you understand early on the better you can enjoy a very cheerful, full life of your choosing.

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Natural Relief For Those Troubled With Arthritis

By Suzanne Vittek

Arthritis has evolved into a common condition that affects many people across the world. In some cases, the pain that results from this ailment can be very difficult to endure. Prescription and OTC drugs are the 2 most common treatment options available. Clearly, these are not the only 2 treatments available since it is possible to use natural remedies to treat your arthritis pain too. In this article, we will discuss a few home remedies that you can use right now.

A common arthritis remedy would be spud or vegetable juices. These juices are not only easy to prepare, they work really well in soothing arthritis pain too. Potato juice in particular, has helped arthritis patients for decades. Therefore, these juices are not something new and definitely worth trying. Another excellent arthritis pain relief would be Omega 3. This substance is commonly found in fishes like salmon and trout. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce inflammations in joints. You can easily find them in gel form at health stores or supermarkets. Provailen is another supplement you can consider to relieve your joint pain. This health supplement is not only natural; it is designed specifically for treating arthritis.

Extra virgin olive oil is another readily found product in your kitchen that is proven to provide fast relief for arthritis patients. Remember that the oil should be warm, not hot since it will burn your skin and result in blisters. You can add rosemary or even garlic to your olive oil to provide a better relief. Do you have a tub at home? Soaking in warm water for half an hour can provide a form of arthritis relief too.

Incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routines can help to relieve the stiffness in your joints. A few exercises you can try would be walking, swimming, cycling or even squeezing a stress ball. The key is not to overdo it. If your joints have been severely impacted by arthritis, you may want to consult your doctor for his recommendations. Do not perform any form of exercise without the guidance of a trained professional.

Everyone will get arthritis at some point of their life. Therefore, it is always good to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge to treat arthritis naturally rather than rely on drugs.

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Finding Effective Arthritis Pain Relief

By Jessie Uresti

Finding effective arthritis pain relief is one of the most important steps that any patient can make in managing their condition. Physical discomfort can lead to reduced activity, sleep problems and even depression. All of these things make effective treatment much more difficult. This potential downward spiral is well known to doctors and patients alike.

There are a variety of forms of arthritis and also other related musculoskeletal diseases. All of these conditions are similar but there are some differences between them. Treatments for different conditions may vary slightly so understanding as much as possible about the individual diagnosis will help anyone affected by any of these illnesses.

Medication undoubtedly has a part to play in the treatment of chronic pain but anyone taking over the counter preparations on a regular basis will benefit from expert advice. Long term drug therapy needs to balance the greatest possible benefits against the need to avoid unwanted side effects. Physicians at centers such as the Mayo Clinic or teams from the Toledo Pain Management Centre will often recommend a holistic approach where medication is just one aspect of therapy.

The most beneficial treatment for any joint or muscular disease is regular, gentle exercise. It is not surprising that people feel disinclined to do things that hurt them but failure to maintain a healthy regime of walking, swimming or similar activities will cause muscles to weaken. This will in turn reduce joint stability causing the condition to become more disabling than would otherwise be the case.

Some activities are not recommended, specifically anything that requires the same movements over and again is best avoided. Sports such as tennis or high impact aerobic programs can increase the stress placed on joints and cause further damage. In all cases it is important to balance exercise with periods of rest to avoid over-straining the body.

Caffeine and nicotine both cause build up of toxins in the system which can exacerbate symptoms. Diet is particularly important in fibromyalgia treatment with a focus on maintaining energy levels by eating small frequent meals. Doctors sometime advise patients to keep a food diary so that they can monitor flare-up and see if particular foods may be responsible.

The overall aim of therapy should always be to enhance the quality of life of the person suffering from any chronic condition. Medication is one of the approaches to arthritis pain relief but is most effective when combined with other therapeutic tools. Teamwork between doctor and patient will enable the best individualized treatment program to be developed.

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Early Symptoms Of Arthritis

By Vanessa Summer

Arthritis isn't just a disease that affects aging adults people. While it is correct that a lot of people will develop arthritis as they age, it is also true that plenty of younger people are afflicted with it as well. Many men and women get arthritis after busting a bone. Early arthritis is sometimes genetic. Obviously, if you learn easy methods to identify the signs early on, you will be better prepared to treat it. This will let you preserve a better range of activity for a longer time. If you permit early onset arthritis to take hold, it's going to be a lot harder for you to stay healthy and fit. Keep tabs out for these kinds of elements.

One quite apparent symptom of arthritis is joint pain. Joint pain can be a sign of lots of different problems, true, but it is one of the most obvious symptoms of arthritis. If the soreness in your joints worsens with weather conditions (most particularly moisture in the air or decreased temperatures) or only comes on when you have a fever it is more likely an indicator of the early stages of arthritis. Ask a medical professional to take some X-Rays of your most sore joints so that you can see if there are any other reasons for it besides arthritis. Don't only pop a few ibuprofen and wish that it goes away.

One very disturbing indicator of arthritis is a decreasing power to normally move your joints. Everybody handles stiffness from time to time. If we're experiencing the flu our muscles get tense and our joints get rigid. If the tightness doesn't disappear once you have cleared up your illness, you need to see a doctor. Do not believe that stretching can make it go away completely. This may lead to the ripping of muscles and the worsening of your affliction. Your doctor may perform a couple of muscle tests to figure out whether you have early onset arthritis or not.

Do your joints seem hot? Contact your doctor. Warm joints are an indication of one's body giving extra blood to someplace that needs to be fixed (typically it is a problem you can't see). If you realize that your joints are warm for no reason, contact a family doctor without delay. It could be arthritis, sure, but it could also be something even worse. The only way to figure it out beyond doubt is to call your physician and let him or her perform some tests.

Arthritis doesn't need to be a terrible diagnosis. More and more advances are made in this area daily. Simply put, if you figure it out early on enough, there are several things that you can do (therapies, medications) to slow down the progression of the disease. You are not stuck with suffering and copper bracelets anymore. Many new improvements and insights have occurred that may allow arthritis sufferers to retain their ranges of motion for a lot longer than they used to. Try and keep a positive attitude. Lots of individuals lead perfectly normal lives despite severe arthritis!

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