You Have Many Choices For Treating Arthritis
This is that form of Arthritis which is found mostly. The connecting cartilage or tissue between the bones, gradually wear away, in Osteoarthritis. Thus the bones are rubbed together which causes the pain in the joints. The parts which are most affected are the knees, spine, hips and the hands. This condition is generally seen in people who are above 50, though anyone, irrespective of age can be affected. This is due to any problem or injury in the joints.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Though this symptom is less common among the people but it is more severe. It develops in the body when the immunity system of the body affects the joints of the body. Thus the body part swells creating pain and problems in movement of the body leading to the wear out of the tissues and bones. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects more to the people between 40 to 50 years. But women are three times more prone to it.
Indications about Arthritis
There are some common signs which are distinctive in Arthritis, though some may have different symptoms. These are pain in the joints, rigidity of bones, tenderness and swelling in the joints. The end result is that you are unable to move freely. Muscles get wasted and you are weak and the patient is always uncomfortable and in extreme pain.
Arthritis and its treatment
The patient is not totally relieved of Arthritis but there are ways to keep the patient free of pain, and one can limit the progress of the disease. You do get relief from pain, when you take some medicines. One needs to slow down a chemical called CYCLOOXYGENASE or COX which induces swelling, the basic treatment of Arthritis. COX, if controlled relieves the person from pain. There are NSAID as well - Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like Ibuprofen etc. These drugs give you relief as they assist you to slow down COX.
It is however, unfortunate that these NSAID drugs have various side effects. NSAIDS can deplete the joints of essential nutrients like folic acid, iron and zinc. Cox-2 inhalers can increase the risk of Cardio vascular failure. Physical therapy is a no-risk option. Physical therapy is invariably recommended to ease arthritic pain and joint stiffness. Physical therapy aims to strengthen the muscle and support your movements.
More option in the treatment of Arthritis
Apart from medicines there are some other physical treatments that can keep arthritis under control. These steps are:
Cold and Hot therapy - apply alternate ice and hot packs to ease the joint pain, but the relief is short lived
Reduce weight - The stress on hip joints and other joints is reduced, if you reduce your body weight
Usage of Brace - You could use a brace or a splint to give you more strength, when required
Exercise is an extremely effective method for pain management.
TENS is an electric nerve stimulation that can help in joint mobility temporarily and relieve pain.
In severe cases knee replacement and other surgeries are suggested. Spinal surgeries and substitution of knees are measures which are frequent these days.
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